iPhone 6 Plus Really Can Bend

Bent iPhone 6 Plus

Bent iPhone 6 Plus

Owners of Apple’s new iPhone 6 Plus are starting to complain that their expensive new mobile devices are bending. Physically warping. This seems to be occurring when the owners carry their new iPhones in their pockets.

Well, it turns out the iPhone 6 Plus can bend. The chassis seems to have a weak point that allows the device to bend when sufficient force is applied. In a YouTube post by Unbox Therapy, Lewis Hilsenteger demonstrates on camera how Apple’s king-size phone bends in real time.

Frankly, I’m surprised Apple’s engineers didn’t consider this possibility. People carry their phone in their pockets. We’ve all seen it or done it.

My suggestion for this situation and for any expensive smartphone, really, is to invest in a sturdy case. I hate hiding the beautiful iPhone as much as anyone, but the results are irrefutable: Your phone will fare better in a case. I’ve had three iPhones to date, and each has been in an OtterBox Defender case. After 18 to 24 months living in those cases, the iPhones have emerged as pristine as they looked going in. And that helps if you wish to sell your used devices.

Beware the Apple Hype

Apple Hype Cycle

Apple Hype Cycle

Apple is about to roll out its new iPhone and maybe a few other highly anticipated gadgets. And it’s easy to get wrapped up in the hype, especially for tech geeks. But remember, after the hype dies down, the iThing quickly becomes just another gadget.

JoyOfTech.com created an insightful graphic that shows the Apple Hype lifecycle.

Prediction for the iPhone 6

iPhone 6

iPhone 6In my tradition of trying to keep posts short, I will make my iPhone 6 predictions brief.

  • 4.7-inch screen: Yep. It’s about time.
  • 5.5-inch screen: Probably. Not sure when it will debut.
  • iWatch: Yep. Apple will show it off on September 9, but not sure when it will hit the market.
  • 32GB Storage to Start: Nope. 16GB will still be the starting point.
  • Better Camera: Probably. Since the new design will have a 0.77mm protrusion for the camera, Apple will have to spin how the remarkable camera was worth disrupting the enclosure’s smoothness.
  • NFC: Yes. It will be in the iPhone, and half of the tech press will act like Apple invented this technology.
  • Mobile Payments: Yes. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express will support payments with TouchID for verification. It will use iPhone 6’s NFC, but there might be some capability for iPhone 5s and earlier to use some method for mobile payments. But who really knows.
  • iOS 8: This is the real news. Many of the technologies might be overdue, but the new OS will increase the usability of Apple’s mobile devices. Making TouchID functionality available to other apps should make verifying your identity very convenient.